Monday, December 15, 2014

Paro hotel

We made it back to the hotel in Paro.  And somehow summer was gone and fall was here!  The hotels are good about lighting and hot water.  But they are seriously lacking in heat for the hotels.

With no heat in the rooms, we decided to warm ourselve the natural way - with alcohol at the bar!!!  The bar didn't have heat either, but it did have a hint of the Internet.  So of course we were all on our phone Instagraming, Facebooking, blogging, texting loved ones, or even nerdier - Airdroping each other pictures we had taken along the way!!!!
Hey - in our defense, we hadn't had the Internet for about a week.  And this was a nice way to touch base :)

We then ate dinner with our puffies and hats on!!!

Then we retired to our room to drink beer, make tea with Whiskey and chat.  A normal night for us.  We often liked to drink beer/whiskey and hang out late into the night.. Late being around 8 pm :)

What a good looking couple!


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