Monday, December 15, 2014

Chamkha Chu

The rafting on this river was COOOLLDDD!!!  It was only 40 degree air temperature, prolly 50 degree water temp, there was no sun, and a cold breeze blowing up the canyon most of the whole boat ride.  All of us has totally frozen and numb feet and hands.  We were literally rafting with our hands shoved in our PFDs when we weren't paddling.

The group of 12 Brits and Pat joined us for the river for the day as well so we had quite a posse together for the day.

The last rapid of the day gave us a little excitement and got the blood pumping. we accidentally tipped off an entry rock, got jostled sideways, flipping Scott out of the boat, and he then promptly got sucked into a pinch channel and our boat high sided on a big rock.

A lot of excitement getting Scott out of the water and back into the boat.. Then we had to keep the boat from flipping and taking the rest of us with it since it was high siding and wrapped up against a huge rock.. We then had to fully unload everyone off the boat onto a big Boulder, then rope and lining the boat sideways through the channel... and reloading on the other side of the boulder.

best part was... takeout was literally 2 min around the corner. the porters were there to bring the raft up... and we hightailed it up the hill to the bus just to warm up again.

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