Monday, December 15, 2014

Bumthang hotel in Jakar

We made it to Bumthang!  And it was COLD and overcast.  The town of Jakar is at 9000 feet and it IS December, so no surprise the high temps are like 40 F!

Here is the view of the river we are rafting tomorrow from our room (this is obviously the mellow part we aren't going to boat - we are putting on in the canyon lower down!). 

Each room also only has the little black stove below for heat.   The bathroom floor and toilet were like 10 degrees.  And we tried in vain to start the fire ourselves, but the part you can put the wood in is only like the top 1/4 of the stove.  We coudn't figure out the trick.  Then the hotel staff came in and used their magic -  gasoline soaked sawdust. HA!   Rich wins the award for ingenuity here - he used his Purell to start their fire. lol.  So we were nice and toasty until the fire went out in the middle of the night when no one was awake to stoke it.  Then we woke up to freezing @ss rooms.  Needless to say we slept with all the comforters AND our sleeping bags in this hotel.

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