Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Lunch and Dogs

We made it down from Tiger's Nest around 1 pm.  And we were treated to our last picnic lunch in Bhutan, per usual a delicious assortment of hot rice and veggies and meat.

And also per usual, we were surrounded by dogs.  Not begging, but just around in case you dropped any food, or felt like feeding them :)

A quick note here on the Dogs of Bhutan.  They are EVERYWHERE!  They are not necessarily owned by anyone, they don't wear collars, have names or are "walked".  But they roam around everywhere and anywhere.   There is definitely the mangey, scary dog or 2 out there, but generally they look really well feed and taken care and are really friendly.  We definitely did alot of dog petting and made some friends :)  They are introducing a program now in Bhutan where they are fxing the dogs to try to stem the size of the packs roaming around the Bhutan.  And also I'm pretty sure these dogs are most active between 1-4 am, becuase that is when you hear them the most, having their own conversations at top volumne in packs of anywhere between 4-40.  By night 3 I considered these middle of the night crazy dog barking frenzies as almost a Bhutanese Lullabye.  The last picture of the dogs is a dog laying in the cooling ashes of a fire :)


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