Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Kathmandu curbside airport waiting

After all the delays of the day, it wasn't surprising that getting through purchasing travel visas and getting through customs in Nepal took some time.

We were expected in Kathmandu around 9:30am, and made it out to the arrivals area after 3pm. we were all skeptical that our arranged van to the Last Resort was going to still be there.... but totally lucked out, and someone was waiting for us. poor guy had been there waiting since 9:30am. it took another 45+ min waiting on the curb for the van to arrive to pick us up, but it was an enormous relief to know we didn't have to make alternate arrangements on our own.

Outside the airport in the arrivals area was insane and crazy. total 180° flip from where we had been. tons of people swarming, cops with whistles moving people to and fro, and cars honking horns circling, weaving, and being flagged down and ticketed by the traffic police.

We stood around and watched. wide eyed, exhausted, hungry and overwhelmed.  This was not Bhutan.

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