Monday, December 15, 2014

Curious Kids

The entire time we were at the Palace this group of kids were super intrigued by everything we were doing.  Whether it was phone, book, camera, Ipad, headlamp, water bottle, etc...  They wanted to see everything.

Even crazier, I never saw an adult supervise or tell any of these kids anything.. The tallest kid in the back is prolly about 10 years old, and has a 6 month old baby strapped to his back (seen to the left of the kid).  This group, including the boy with the baby on his back, spent the afternoon and evening playing with each other, soccer, chase, kung fu, etc.. and the baby was all giggles.  Even when the boy was in a stick war with his little sister whacking each other with the biggest sticks they could find... at the end of the day, no one blinked an eye at the kids, and they all survived and were all the happiest kids you can find.  I never heard one baby cry or one kid whine the entire 3 days we spent here.

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