Monday, December 15, 2014

Himalaya en route from Bumthang to Paro

It may have only been 25 minutes long, but we got some unbelievable views out the window of the huge Himalayan mountain range that borders Bhutan and Tibet..
The Bhutanese people believe the mountains are sacred, and therefore do not allow any mountaineering or ski treks to summit any mountains in Bhutan, making them the highest unsummited mountains in the world.

First picture - The highest peak in Bhutan, Gangkar Puensum at 24,836 feet
Second picture - Gangkar Puensum at the far right, and Table Mountain at 23,274 ft is the plateau on the left.
Third picture - As we got closer to Paro, Bhutan's sacred peak was right in front of us - Jumolhari at 24,058 ft.
Fourth picture - As we starting descending into Paro, we got unbelivable views of Jumolhari above the mist and the Paro valley below the mist.

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