Thursday, December 18, 2014

Sunkoshi landslide

So about an hour drive from the Last Resort there is a huge landslide that is not yet passable by vehicle.. So we had to get out of one car, walk our stuff about 20 minutes across the landslide where we met another car to drive us the rest of the way to Kathmandu.

To read more about the landslide...

Nearly 2 kilometers of hillside collapsed in rugged northern Nepal at 02:36 local time on August 2 causing a massive landslide which buried dozens of homes in the village of Jure and killed 156 people. Some 5.5 million cubic meters (194 million cubic feet) of rock and debris tumbled down into the Sunkohsi (Sunkosi) River valley.
But this was just the beginning of the disaster. The landslide blocked the Sunkoshi River and buried the Araniko Highway. For nine hours after the slide, a gauging station downstream showed the Sunkoshi’s flow had stopped. Water backed up behind a 55-meter (180-foot) tall earthen dam, creating an ever-growing lake that submerged dozens of houses and a hydropower substation.
According to media reports, the loss of the power station led to a 10 percent decrease in Nepal’s electricity generating capacity, causing outages in the capital and elsewhere in the country.

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