Monday, December 15, 2014

Evening Cultural show at the Palace

I'm pretty sure for our benefit, the locals also put on a song and dance cultural show for us one night after dinner in the courtyard of the palace.  There was one part with 8 women singing in harmony with no music. 

In between the womens songs - music commenced with drums, cymbals and horns and dancer dressed in all sorts of elaborate costumes.. The costumes were mainly huge, elaborate animal masks (representing the animals you meet in the afterlife).

Local kids were running all over the place including in between the dancers :)

And during this show we were also served the local moonshine - called arrak. it was a lethal wheat fermented beverage, mixed with butter and cooked egg. we all graciously drank some... but, trust me,  this was quite the acquired taste.

For the final song, the ladies had us come up and dance with them. it was not a pretty sight, but I think the locals got quite a kick out of it. too bad. no photos of that.


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