Friday, March 25, 2011

Zimbabwe - Victoria Falls

We had an early early flight into Zimbabwe and we stayed in the town of Victoria Falls.  You can see the spray from the falls for miles!  We are in the flood season right now, so this is the highest the water gets...
There is trail that runs the length of the falls, prolly about 3/4 of a mile long.  that is how long the falls go on for.. and Victoria Falls is RUNNING right now.  so since the water is so big we really only have pictures from the first 1/4 of the trail.. After that the weather goes from a slight mist to a sideways moonsoon.  We literally wore our bathing suits.  And this is all just caused the by the falls themselves it was sunny and 90 everywhere but directly near the falls.  But kind of cool to be standing in a moonsoon next to a huge waterfall.. sometimes without railing as well.

1 comment:

  1. pretty cool to see the falls with SO MUCH water in it! very different from when i was there in Nov! Beautiful pics!


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