Saturday, March 26, 2011

predator and prey

On our game drives we've also been privy to some predator/prey action. 
Our first night here we went out on a boat game cruise, and we saw this cute mom and dad duck with about 12 2-day hatchlings cruising along land right next to the shore.  then we noticed from both sides that pretty big water monitor lizards were closing in on the duck family, they got right into the bushes less than 2 feet from where the babies were playing on the shore.. then a HUGE African Fish Eagle swooped in and sat in a tree right above where the ducklings were playing as well. 
Then yesterday on our afternoon game drive we got the word over the CB that a lioness had been spotted on the move, so we went tearing through the park to join the masses watching her.  She was sitting near a big herd of impala, roaring to call her cubs.  And all the animals in the vicinity were on high alert.. even the giraffe were watching her carefully.  Then she got up and stalked through the implala herd, roaring the whole time.  We never saw her chase anything though before she went off into the bush.  But she did come within 3 feet of our truck.  Pretty impressive, with the muscles and the roaring, and how she just struts calmly through the bush not paying mind to anything, with EVERYTHING in the vicinity paying mind to her.
Hope to get the pics of the above and more animals up soon!

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