Wednesday, March 30, 2011


Jordan is great!! Nicest people. Awesome food!

While the food in Africa was good - lots of curries and chutneys amd fresh tomatoes and cukes. The food In Jordan Is spectacular - fresh pitas that are the squishiest, yummyest things, fresh hummus amd olive oil, salty fried cheese... And u can get like 4 pita falafels for 1 dinar.

The driving in Jordan has been... Interesting. The lines on the road seem to be solely for decoration. As no one ever uses a lane, in fact it seems to be some kind of sport to see of u can turn a 2 lane road into a 4 lane one. Amd don't get me started about rotarys. Walking is an even scarier adventure than driving, because there is no yielding.

While jordanians use their horns almost as often as they breathe, I'm not exactly sure if blinkers even work. I havent seen one used yet!!!

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