Tuesday, March 29, 2011


We then passed back over the border from Botswana towards Victoria Falls, this time on the Zambia side.. the trek involved a very interesting "ferry ride" across the Chobe River which is the border between Botswana and Zambia.  It was great to see Victoria Falls from the opposite side of the falls and we also took a Helicopter ride over the falls as well!!!
For our 2nd day in Zambia, we decided to do a full day on the Zambezi River above Victoria Falls in inflatable kayaks.. the beginning of the day had me gripped as the river is HUGE and is MOVING FAST. and they were giving all these warning about hippos and crocs and how you don't want to fall out..  and the first section we rafted had up to class 2 rapids.. now normally i'm not scared of that level of water that is until you add the "absolutely no falling out" rule. ha.  we don't have a lot of pictures here as this was a day in the kayak.

1 comment:

  1. yeah.. sucks when they give you the low down on the hippos and crocs.. then put the fear of god "don't fall out of the boat" into you and send oyu on your way. I have never been so tense IK'ing!


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