Saturday, March 26, 2011

Botswana Animals

We have been doing a morning (6 am!) and afternoon (3 pm) game drive in Chobe National Park.  And the amount of wildlife we are seeing has been amazing.. Everything from big to little, land to river and in between..
Birds.  So many birds. African fish eagles, falcons, Marabou Storks, ducks, kingfishers, herons, hornbills, guinea fowl, lilac breasted roller (botswana national bird), and other crazy colorful birds i cant remember, and the list goes on, and its LONG!!!

Lots of hippos and babies in the river!!!!  And we saw a baby hippo on this AM's game drive that was out of the water eating grass.   Plus impalas and elephants and baboons and all their babies.  These are prolly the most prevalent aNimals we have been seeing.  In the past 2 days we've had 2 elephants semi-charge our truck, more like a warning lumber i think with their ears flapping and their trunks held high.. but even at a fast walk it was a little unnerving!

we've also seen warthogs and their babies, jackals, kudu, water monitor lizards, mongoose, big ass tortoise, Monkeys, pack of wild dogs....

And the big guys - giraffe, LIONS, water buffalo, elephants amd hippos.  we've seen 4 packs of lionesses, but no male lions.

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