Thursday, September 8, 2011

Burning Man - getting in and out

Our friends took an airplane to Burning Man, and got this great shot of it from the plane.
The Traffic getting out of Burning  Man on Saturday AM - On Monday at 2 AM it took us 4 hours to drive from camp to this blacktop.
The Traffic getting into Burning Man on Monday at dawn was equally long - luckily Clare brought her own potty in :)

taking down camp on Sunday night...

Camp Touch This Cop Day

we had a day we all rode around the playa as cops (and me as a prisoner) complete with 70's and 80's cop show theme music.  then we brought the party to our favorite daytime dance club - District. 

Temple pre-burn

The last bits of light on the the Temple before they Burned it.

The Temple Burning

we sat down and got ready to watch it all Burn!

The Man

some shots of the Man at night...


A few more shots of Charon at night..

Octopus Art Car

This Octopus drove around the playa at night.. while it spewed fire out of its tentacles, the eyes and mouth went all around the top of hte head, and moved up and down and in and out!!!

ice cream stop

becuase when you're biking around on the playa, why wouldn't there be an ice cream stand?

biking around...

Gretchen's awesome coyote outfit

Trojan Horse

this horse was HUGE!!!!  and all the white outlines on it were lit up in Red at night.. on Friday night they shot arrows at it, and burned it to the ground...