Sunday, November 30, 2014

Phunka Dzong Head Monk procession


Head monk of Bhutan

The head monk of Bhutan (in yellow) and his high monks in a procession heading into the Punakha Dzong.

Punakha Dzong

Monk Procession into Punakha Dzong

The monks line up to follow the Abbott into the Dzong.  The monks line up by seniority and age..

Line of people waiting to get blessed by the head Monk


Head monk of Bhutan

The high Abbot (head Buddhist monk of the country, equal to the power of the king) was moving residences to the Punakha Dzong for the winter (he spends summers in Thimpu).  It is a big affair, all the townspeople come out to receive a blessing from him as he goes by.
Somehow (couldn't have planned it if we tried), we caught the final part of his procession into town and to the Dzong.  We walked along with the rest of the town, and were so lucky to witness the procession.

These pictures are the monk blessing Bhutanese people from his SUV.

Punakha Dzong

Winter home for the head monk of Bhutan.

Pho (Male) Chu River

Our first day on the water of this trip was a "warm-up" day of mellow Class 11-111 River. We met the crew, and our guide for the trip - Kallie.


Punakha Dzong from Pho Chu River


Pho Chu River

A monastery along the river...

Pho Chu River

We finally get on our first River of the trip. the Pho Chu. The air is warm the water is cold!!!!!


Saturday, November 29, 2014

Sunrise from our hotel in Punakha

Sunrise from the window of our room at Drubchhu resort in Punakha.

Our whip

Our big blue Toyota van that has been our ride for the whole 2 weeks in Bhutan. And ours is distinguishable from the Orange boa flair on the front window ;)

And our trusty driver for the whole 2 weeks - Ashish

Begin of our trek

End of trek celebration

Our guide Tshe tshe with our end of trek celebratory beers.
And a last shot of us with our guides and porters and cooks and horsemen that assisted our trek..
Best luxury trekking ever!!!

At the dzong, we bought the largest lemon we have ever seen... as you can see it's bigger than Dan's head!!

Last hill to the end of the hike and Chorten Ningpo!!

And finished. Beer and sitting happening!!!

And once we got up the last hill, the beautiful Chorten Ningpo is awaiting.