Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Lost Arrow Spire near Yosemite Falls - May 4, 2013

 Yup, we got 11 of us on that.

We have to get from where to where?????                                                                                               

where is the Lost Arrow Spire? near a small waterfall?

Trail up to the top of Yosemite Falls.

This how it all starts.  Hot and steep!!

 You can see the Lost Arrrow Spire here to the right of Yosemite Falls.  Looking like a little piece of disjointed granite...

Getting down to the Notch to climb Lost Arrow Spire

 You gotta rappel off the tree...

 Land on this itty bitty space of rock...

 Prepare yourself to climb the 2 pitches up!!!
 Nicole and Karen climbing all sassy pants style!!!

while waiting for the setup a little lunch...

 Couldn't have a better view!

You can ~just~ see the spire to the right here...
 And watch some slacklining action over Yosemite Falls!!

we are leaving what? to go where?

At first at seems so easy, just walk down the cliff...
And then there's nothing below your feet...

For 3000 feet!!!

Never been so happy for solid rock before...

A little Tecate and a litte Tyrolean

One half of our fearless traverser setter upper, Jeff, has something in his pocket...

11 of us on top of Lost Arrow Spire

so now that we're up here.. the View!

Looking one way from the Lost Arrow Spire towards Yosemite Falls

Looking the other way straight down 3000 feet to valley floor

Yosemite Falls has its own rainbows from up here.. And at the top of the screen in the green you can see the trail we took to get up here..

More trail on the way up...

Nothing says Happy Birthday like some cake and margaritas